
We should let you know that we are not medical professionals and you should take our advice with that in mind. Please consult with your physician and GI before beginning this diet.

I’ve been told by one GI that diet doesn’t matter in IBD. I’ve also been told that IBD is very sneaky and we always have to watch and monitor Crohn’s. I keep these things tucked in the back of my mind.

I am beyond grateful to Elaine Gottschall and the SCD Diet.  After seeing Alex in so much pain and so ill, I think SCD is a miracle for my son. However, I remain humble to Crohn’s and ever aware that inflammation could rear its ugly head in the future. I pray every day that this diet continues to work for my son, but I’m honest with myself that it might not always work but I must focus on the present.  I’m grateful for every single day we postpone Crohn’s from flaring or postpone a surgery or drug. Every day we postpone those things, is a day closer to a cure for all these people suffering from IBD. Every day on the diet is a gift to us and every day my rapidly growing son is letting his body heal itself.

I am not boastful about this diet because I’m aware his story could change.  I am not judgemental of any parent that chooses meds over diet. This diet and lifestyle can be exhausting at times. Right now it is our choice, our priority.

More legalese:

The site does not provide medical advice. This website is for information purposes only. Viewing this site, receipt of information contained on this site, or the transmission of information from or to this site does not constitute a physician-patient relationship.

The medical and/or nutritional information on this site is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking it because of something you have read on this website.

The SCD and the Specific Carbohydrate Diet is a registered trademark of Kirkton Press Limited and publisher and copyright owner of the book, Breaking the Vicious Cycle, copyright 2015. We Cook to Cure and it’s trademarks do not make claims or rights to SCD or Paleo Diet and are not affiliated or endorsed by said companies in any way.