SCD Stages

It is important to follow the stages in SCD. Please see page on Intro Diet for all my tips and planning ideas. The best recommendation is keeping a religious food journal. It will help you figure out was doesn’t agree with you as you go through this process. It’s generally recommended to add a new food item every couple days, so you can be sure to ‘test’ that it goes through your GI system without pain or discomfort.  At the beginning I was pretty strict with just doing 1 new item per week. It was just easier for me to keep track of this way. I am pleased to tell you that we are completely through this list but have occasion to re-boot with Intro when illness or a random symptom strikes.  Since we have already been through the stages, we can accelerate them quickly at this point.

You will notice the legal dairy products are not listed on here as when to add to diet. These include legal cheeses (mostly aged so they don’t contain lactose), SCD Yogurt and Dry Curd Farmers Cheese.  SCD Yogurt deserves its own page and hopefully soon I can add one! But until then, follow the instructions on making SCD Yogurt from the book/bible: Breaking the Vicious Cycle. SCD Yogurt contains many more good bacteria compared to commercially available yogurts. In other words, it’s MUCH stronger! When Alex first stated the yogurt, he would only eat 2 tablespoons a day to get used to it. Now he can eat 8 oz. a day of the strained version/Greek yogurt version. That’s a lot of good bacteria! Some people can’t ever tolerate a milk based yogurt and need to try a coconut milk version. I would recommend introducing a tablespoon or two a day of SCD yogurt after you completed the Intro Stage. Also -yogurt is sour so add honey and/or berries.

Cheeses – these can be added slowly after Intro Diet. Please follow the rules of adding one type of cheese every few days so you can monitor for symptoms. Click for link to legal cheeses.




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